A Lot vs. Alot
Have you heard 'alot' before? Well, I've decided to tell you all there is about these two. I promise it will be really helpful to you.
What Is Their Main Difference?
'A lot' is a quantifier used when we want to refer to a large amount of something. 'Alot', however, is a misspelling of 'a lot'. So, do not use it.
Since 'alot' is not even a correct word, it does not have any meaning. 'A lot' is used to show a large amount of something. Look:
I can see
Here, it is modifying a noun.
He spent his time reading different books
Again as we stated above, 'alot' is incorrect so it means nothing.
Are They Interchangeable?
Since 'alot' is completely wrong, we cannot use it anywhere. Compare:
✓ There were
X There were