How to Pronounce the /ʊ/ Sound

If you wanna improve your knowledge of phonology, you'd better join me here and learn about the /ʊ/ sound. What's holding you back, then?

How to Pronounce the /ʊ/ Sound

In this lesson, we are going to learn how the sound /ʊ/ is produced by looking at the articulatory organs.

What Type of Sound Is /ʊ/?

/ʊ/ is a short sound and is between /u/ and /o/.

How to Produce /ʊ/?

how to pronounce /ʊ/

To produce it, close your mouth as if you are saying /o/, and round your lips as if you are saying /u/. Then push them outwards to make an open circle and utter /ʊ/. As you can see in the picture, the roundness of the /ʊ/ sound is somehow between the /o/ and /u/ sound.

The sound /ʊ/ can be seen in such letters:

education /ˌedʒ.ʊˈkeɪ.ʃən/

put /pʊt/

woman /ˈwʊm.ən/

book /bʊk/

hook /hʊk/


Let's listen to the pronunciation of the /ʊ/ sound which has been mentioned below:

Down below, there are two other sounds similar to the /ʊ/ sound. At first, listen to the /u/ sound and then listen to the /o/ sound:


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