How to Pronounce the /u/ Sound

In this lesson, we're gonna learn about the /u/ sound and how we can pronounce it. We've provided you with steps to easily pronounce it correctly.

How to Pronounce the /u/ Sound

In this lesson, we are going to learn how the sound /u/ is produced by looking at the articulatory organs.

What Type of Sound Is /u/?

/u/ is a long vowel as if you say the word 'who'.

How to Produce /u/?

how to pronounce /u/

As you see, you must close your mouth, round your lips, and push them outwards to make an open circle.

/u/ can be heard in these letters:

too /tuː/

room /ruːm/

use /juːz/

fuse /fjuːz/

  • ough:

through /θruː/

  • ew:

few /fjuː/

new /nuː/ or /njuː/


As you have seen before in the examples, When two dots come after the sound as in /u:/, It indicates that it is pronounced as a long vowel sound, not as a short or weak sound.


Let's listen to the pronunciation of the /u/ sound which has been mentioned below:


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