Compare vs. Contrast
What are the differences between 'compare' and 'contrast'? Well, we're gonna learn about them here. What are you waiting for? C'mon.
What Is Their Main Difference?
Both of them are used to point out the differences and similarities between two or more things/people. However, 'compare' is used to show the similarities and 'contrast' is used to differentiate the dissimilarities between them.
As stated above, we mainly use compare to refer to the differences between two or more things/people. Check out the following examples:
It's not healthy for your mental health to keep
'Contrast', in other words, shows the differences between two or more things/people. Check out the following examples:
As stated above, 'compare' and 'contrast' are both used to talk about the similarities and differences between two or more things/people. Check out the following examples:
Why do you keep
Are They Interchangeable?
Although both of them are used to indicate the similarities and dissimilarities between several things, they cannot be used interchangeably because they are opposites. Compare:
✓ In
As you can see, this sentence is both grammatically incorrect and semantically different.