Expect vs. Hope
Now, I hope you have been enjoying our lessons so far. This time, we're gonna learn all the details about 'expect' and 'hope'. Let's go.
What Is Their Main Difference?
Both of them refer to something that will happen in the future. However, 'hope' is used when we are not sure whether things will turn out the way we want, but 'expect' is when we look forward to it happening and seeing that is does not will hurt us.
As stated above, 'expect' refers to looking forward to a particular event, etc. It is much stronger than 'hope'. We are certain to some extent that we will get the desired result. Check out the following examples:
My friends are
'Hope', on the other hand, refers to wanting something to happen but you are not sure whether things will turn out the way you want to or not. It's like you try to think positively that it will. Check out the following examples:
Then, I
Sitting here, what can we do but
As mentioned above, both refer to looking forward to something happening in the future. Look at the examples below:
My parents are
I can only
Are They Interchangeable?
Although they both refer to a certain event taking place in the future, they cannot be used interchangeably because 'expect' has some truth in it, whereas, 'hope' is just what we like to think of something. Both examples are correct but they have different meanings. Compare:
✓ I
✓ I