Now, we've decided to teach you all there is about the grammatical differences between these two. Are you ready? C'mon.

"Faraway" vs. "Far Away" in the English Grammar

What Is Their Main Difference?

Both of these words are similar in that they refer to something at a great distance. However, they have different parts of speech. 'Faraway' is an adjective and it modifies nouns, whereas, 'far away' is an adverbial phrase that modifies verbs or adjectives.


Just like I mentioned above, these two are different in that 'faraway' is an adjective, but 'far away' is an adverbial phrase. Look at the following examples:

I wish I lived in a faraway forest.

When I was a child, all stories used to start like this: "Once upon a time, in a faraway castle, ...".

We live far away.

A : Where's mommy going?

B : She won't be far away, dear.


As stated above, both are used to indicate that something is at a great distance from us. Take a look at the examples below:

Alice lived in a castle in a faraway desert.

The animals could see what was happening far away.

Are They Interchangeable?

Since they have different grammatical functions, they cannot be used interchangeably. Compare:

✓ The woman heard someone crying their lungs out far away.

X The woman heard someone crying their lungs out faraway.

This sentence is grammatically incorrect because 'faraway' is an adjective.


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