In this lesson, we're gonna talk about the differences between 'faith' and 'belief'. 'Faith' is more common in religious contexts, whereas, 'belief' is general.

"Faith" vs. "Belief" in English

What Is Their Main Difference?

Both refer to how we perceive something. However, 'faith' refers to trusting someone/something from the depth of our hearts. It is not necessarily based on any proof. 'Belief', on the other hand, refers to something that we consider to be true.


As I stated above, 'faith' is when we trust someone/something deeply. It is mainly associated with religious contexts. Look at the examples below:

When I was leaving, mom said: 'I have faith in you, son.'

Faith is not something I can explain through logic, you know.

'Belief', on the other hand, refers to a more general idea of how we think of something. In other words, when we believe in something/someone, it exists and is tangible to us. Look:

Each culture has its own belief system.

Your lies created this fallacious belief in me that you love me.


Both refer to how we perceive something/someone. Check out the following examples:

I have a firm belief that nothing is stable in this universe.

I have faith in everyone except myself.

Are They Interchangeable?

Although they are close in meaning, they cannot be used interchangeably. Compare:

✓ One of his toxic beliefs is that he thinks he is superior to women.

X One of his toxic faiths is that he thinks he is superior to women.


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For vs. Since

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This time, we're gonna analyze two confusing grammatical prepositions. These two are widely used among native speakers.

Forceful vs. Forcible

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In this lesson, we're gonna focus on learning the details between these two words. Are you ready? Still wanna learn more? excellent.

Farm vs. Ranch

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Now, let's see what we can learn about these two. I'm sure you know both are terms mostly used in agriculture, don't you?

Feelings vs. Sentiments

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In this lesson, we're going to learn all there is about these two confusing words. Have you read anything about the differences between these two?

Festival vs. Celebration

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In this lesson, I'm gonna teach you all the similarities and differences between a 'festival' and a 'celebration'. Wanna come?

Faraway vs. Far Away

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Now, we've decided to teach you all there is about the grammatical differences between these two. Are you ready? C'mon.
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