Inter vs. Intra
Have you ever thought about the differences between these two words? Maybe they're similar. Well, if you wanna find out, come join me.
What Is Their Main Difference?
These two are both prefixes. However, 'inter' shows the connection between some things, whereas, 'intra' refers to something inside another thing.
When we use 'inter', we are referring to what is between some things/people. Look at the examples below:
'Intra', on the other hand, refers to something that is in a particular thing/person. It has the same meaning as 'inside'. Check out the following examples:
These two are only similar in that they are both prefixes. Take a look below:
Mona seems to have
Are They Interchangeable?
Despite the fact that they are both prefixes and look somehow similar, they cannot be used interchangeably because they are opposites. 'Inter' refers to the connection between two or more things/people, whereas, 'intra' refers to something inside one thing. Compare:
✓ The couple seem to have
X The couple seem to have
As you can see, this one does not make sense.