I wanna tell you everything about this word. If you wanna expand your knowledge of the English language, join me.
Never is mainly an adverb. In this lesson, we will discuss how to learn and use it.
Functions of 'Never'
- Adverb
'Never' as an Adverb of Time
'Never' functions as an adverb. Below, we are going to analyze the different kinds of adverbs it is:
'Never' as an Adverb of Time
When 'never' functions as an adverb of time, it indicates that something will not happen at any time. Look at the examples below:
Well, she's
Position in a Sentence
As an adverb of time, it mainly comes before adverbs, adjectives, and verbs in a sentence. Look at the following examples:
It was
Here, it is modifying an adjective.
Idioms and Expressions
We have some idioms with 'never'. Below, we have listed them all for you:
- Never mind: When we want to make sure someone does not worry over some unimportant matter. Look below:
Then she hastily said: '
- Always the bridesmaid, never the bride: When someone is not considered important in any situation, we use this idiom:
Hannah was
- That will never do: When we want to indicate that something is not acceptable
An application form without an application fee
- Never the twain shall meet: When we want to indicate two things/people will never agree with one another and are too different to be alongside one another:
In this situation,