Spelled vs. Spelt
Ladies and gentlemen, I wanna teach you an important grammar lesson today. Which one do you think is the correct past form of 'spell'?
What is Their Main Difference?
Both are simple past tense and past participles of the verb 'spell'. However, 'spelled' is more common among American speakers, whereas, 'spelt' is more common among British speakers.
There are no significant differences between these two. Americans tend to use 'spelled', whereas British speakers tend to use 'spelled' and 'spelt' interchangeably. Look at the examples below:
She slowly opened her mouth and
Many people thought all English speakers
Both are past forms of the verb 'spell'. Check out the following examples:
I stood up and
Are They Interchangeable?
Native speakers use these past forms interchangeably. compare:
✓ I lost the game because I
✓ I lost the game because I