Savior vs. Saviour

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"Savior" vs. "Saviour" in English

What Is Their Main Difference?

Both refer to a rescuer. However, 'savior' is the American spelling, whereas, 'saviour' is the British spelling.


'Savior' is the American spelling, while, 'saviour' is the British spelling. Look below:

Lord Voldemort is our great savior.

In dramatic stories, we do not necessarily need a saviour in the story.


They refer to someone who rescues something or someone from a particular danger. Check out the examples below:

We must follow in the footsteps of our savior.

Now tell me, where is our saviour now?

Are They Interchangeable?

They can be used instead of one another. Compare:

✓ You can only think of yourself as your savior.

✓ You can only think of yourself as your saviour.


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