This time, we're gonna analyze the differences and similarities between these two. Well, ready to gain more knowledge?

"Roll out" vs. "Rollout" in English

What is Their Main Difference?

Both are related to introducing a new product. However, 'roll out' is a phrasal verb, while, 'rollout' is a noun.


'Roll out' is a phrasal verb, while, 'rollout' is a noun. Check out the examples below:

The Apple company has rolled out a completely different generation of mobile phones this year.

After the rollout, we all gathered here to use the new products.


Both are related to introducing a new product. Look below:

The organization was supposed to roll out its latest creation on Tuesday.

So, how long will the rollout take?

Are They interchangeable?

Since they have different grammatical functions, it is best to avoid using them interchangeably, despite their similar meanings. Compare:

✓ Did the gentlemen enjoy the rollout of our new product?

X Did the gentlemen enjoy the roll out of our new product?

As you can see, using a phrasal verb here is grammatically wrong.


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