When we want to compare two objects we can use 'level' but how do we say it? In this lesson, we will learn if it is 'on the level' or 'at the level.'

At or On The Level

Which One Should Be Used?

'At the level' and 'on the level' are correct and can be used. We can use both to talk about things that are on the same level.

On the Level

'On the level' can be used to talk about two comparable things that are even and on the same level. Have a look:

Harry and Karen are on the level.

Here, we mean that the two people are even.

These tables are on the level in the price matter.

Here, we mean that the prices of the tables are the same.

'On the level' can also be used in an idiom to mean 'someone is trustworthy.' For example:

I tried to be on the level with her.

We are on the level together.

At the Level

'At the level' is as common as 'on the level.' It is used to talk about two individual things that are equal and at the same level. Have a look:

Harry and Karen are at the level.

These tables are at the level in the price matter.


'Level' is a state and therefore can be used after adjectives, pronouns, determiners, etc. that will help add details to the sentence.

They are at elementary level.

Here, 'elementary' is an adjective.

You are not on this level.

Here, 'this' is a determiner.


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