Articles related to "would"



Would is past of will. It indicates an imaginary event or situation in a conditional sentence.

Might vs. Would

'Might' and 'would' are modal verbs used to talk about possibilities which is why learners might confuse the. In this lesson, we will learn more about them.


Talking about Prediction

There are many ways to talk about prediction in English. In this article, we want to learn how to predict future events.


Would vs. Would Have

Many cannot distinguish the difference between 'would' and 'would have.' In this lesson, we will learn their difference and uses.


Making Offers

There are some modal verbs that can be used to make offers in English. In this article, we will learn about them. Click here to read more.


Making Requests

You might know that there are two kinds of requests in English. Direct requests and indirect requests. In this article, we will focus on indirect requests.


Talking about Habits

Habits are things that we do regularly, from the past to the present time. Sometimes we can use some modals and semi-modals to refer to habits.


Would vs. Should

'Would' and 'should' are quite confusing to learners due to their close meaning in formal British English. In this lesson, we will learn more.


Could vs. Would

'Could' and 'would' are modal verbs that help us express additional information. In this lesson, we will learn their uses and differences.


Talking about Willingness

In every language, there are ways to express your feelings. Let us learn how to express willingness in English.


Would vs. Used To

'Would' and 'used to' are used to talk about habits which is why many learners confuse them. In this lesson, we will find out their difference.


Will vs. Would

'Will' and 'would' have similar functions which is why learners confuse them. However, there are differences between them that we will learn in this lesson.


Will and Would

These two modals are often confusing for learners, because they are used in quite similar situations. But they're different.


Would vs. Can

'Would' and 'can' are commonly used to make offers and requests. In this lesson, we will learn their similarities and differences.

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