
كتاب Four Corners 4 - الوحدة 12 الدرس أ

ستجد هنا المفردات من الوحدة 12 الدرس أ في كتاب الزوايا الأربع 4، مثل "الحفاظ" و"البيئية" و"التلوث" وما إلى ذلك.




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Four Corners 4
to find

to randomly discover someone or something, particularly in a way that is surprising or unexpected

اكتشف, وجد

اكتشف, وجد

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a way in which a problem can be solved or dealt with

حل, تسوية

حل, تسوية

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relating to the natural world and effects of human actions on it

بيئي, طبيعي

بيئي, طبيعي

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a subject of significance or interest to someone or something

قضية, اهتمام

قضية, اهتمام

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to prevent

to not let someone do something

يمنع, يحول دون

يمنع, يحول دون

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a change in water, air, etc. that makes it harmful or dangerous

تلوث, تغيير ضار

تلوث, تغيير ضار

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air pollution

toxic and harmful substances in the air that can cause illnesses

تلوث الهواء, تلوث جوي

تلوث الهواء, تلوث جوي

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to combine

to join together in pursuit of a shared goal or advantage

يجمع, يؤلف

يجمع, يؤلف

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to commute

to regularly travel to one's place of work and home by different means

يتنقل, يرتاد

يتنقل, يرتاد

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to maintain

to keep a vehicle, building, road, etc. in good condition by doing regular repairs, renovations, or examinations

صيانة, الحفاظ على

صيانة, الحفاظ على

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to avoid

to intentionally stay away from or refuse contact with someone

تجنب, ابتعد عن

تجنب, ابتعد عن

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to store

to keep something in a particular place for later use, typically in a systematic or organized manner

تخزين, احتفاظ

تخزين, احتفاظ

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to limit

to not let something increase in amount or number

يحدد, يقيّد

يحدد, يقيّد

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to discard

to get rid of something that is no longer needed

التخلص من, رمي

التخلص من, رمي

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to conserve

to keep something from change or harm

يحافظ على, يحتفظ بـ

يحافظ على, يحتفظ بـ

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to purchase

to get goods or services in exchange for money or other forms of payment

شراء, اقتناء

شراء, اقتناء

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to recycle

to make a waste product usable again

إعادة التدوير, إعادة استخدام

إعادة التدوير, إعادة استخدام

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to identify

to be able to say who or what someone or something is

تحديد, تعرف

تحديد, تعرف

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to dump

to get rid of waste material, particularly in an unorganized manner

تخلص من, إلقاء

تخلص من, إلقاء

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a piece of work for someone to do, especially as an assignment

مهمة, واجب

مهمة, واجب

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able to exist, happen, or be done

محتمل, ممكن

محتمل, ممكن

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(of a system or machine) achieving maximum productivity without wasting much time, effort, or money

فعال, كفؤ

فعال, كفؤ

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water pollution

the poisoning of bodies of water caused by harmful materials

تلوث المياه, تسمم المياه

تلوث المياه, تسمم المياه

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spray can

a pressurized container that dispenses liquid or gas as a fine mist or spray when activated

عبوة الرش, رذاذ

عبوة الرش, رذاذ

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concerning or used in the scientific field of chemistry



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any object that can be used to store something in, such as a bottle, box, etc.

حاوية, وعاء

حاوية, وعاء

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causing damage or negative effects to someone or something

ضار, مؤذي

ضار, مؤذي

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an object that turns chemical energy to electricity to give power to a device or machine

بطارية, مجمع طاقة

بطارية, مجمع طاقة

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in an appropriate manner according to established standards, rules, or expectations

بشكل صحيح, بطريقة مناسبة

بشكل صحيح, بطريقة مناسبة

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the state of something at a particular time

حالة, شرط

حالة, شرط

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the total number or quantity of something

كمية, مقدار

كمية, مقدار

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to control

to have power over a person, company, country, etc. and to decide how things should be done

يحت control, يدير

يحت control, يدير

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to throw away

to get rid of what is not needed or wanted anymore

يتخلص من, يرمي بعيداً

يتخلص من, يرمي بعيداً

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the process or business of packing goods for storage, transport, or sale

تغليف, تعبئة

تغليف, تعبئة

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trash can

a plastic or metal container with a lid, used for putting garbage in and usually kept outside the house

سلة المهملات, حاوية النفايات

سلة المهملات, حاوية النفايات

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to locate

to discover the exact position or place of something or someone

تحديد موقع, العثور على

تحديد موقع, العثور على

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to promote

to move to a higher position or rank

ترقي, رفع

ترقي, رفع

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including every part, member, etc.

كامل, شامل

كامل, شامل

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a person who regularly travels to city for work

المسافر اليومي, شخص يومي يعمل في المدينة

المسافر اليومي, شخص يومي يعمل في المدينة

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a pathway typically made of concrete or asphalt at the side of a street for people to walk on



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train station

a place where trains regularly stop for passengers to get on and off

محطة قطار, محطة السكك الحديدية

محطة قطار, محطة السكك الحديدية

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a vehicle that has two wheels and moves when we push its pedals with our feet

دراجة, دراجة هوائية

دراجة, دراجة هوائية

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a city's railway system that is below the ground, usually in big cities

مترو الأنفاق, نظام قطارات الأنفاق

مترو الأنفاق, نظام قطارات الأنفاق

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a building, usually next or attached to a house, in which cars or other vehicles are kept



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