
كتاب Total English - متوسط - الوحدة 10-المرجع

ستجد هنا المفردات من الوحدة 10 - المرجع في كتاب دورة اللغة الإنجليزية المتوسطة، مثل "إحياء ذكرى"، و"تذكار"، و"الحنين إلى الوطن"، وما إلى ذلك.




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Total English - Intermediate
to commemorate

to recall and show respect for an important person, event, etc. from the past with an action or in a ceremony

يحيي ذكرى, يحتفل ب

يحيي ذكرى, يحتفل ب

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feeling sad because of being away from one's home

حنين إلى الوطن, افتقاد المنزل

حنين إلى الوطن, افتقاد المنزل

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an object that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or event

تذكار, ذكرى

تذكار, ذكرى

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a physical structure, such as a monument or statue, that is built to commemorate a person, event, or period of time

نُصُب تذكاري, مَزار

نُصُب تذكاري, مَزار

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a warm and wistful emotion of longing or missing past experiences and cherished memories



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to remember

to bring a type of information from the past to our mind again

تذكر, استرجاع

تذكر, استرجاع

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to remind

to make a person remember an obligation, task, etc. so that they do not forget to do it

يُذَكِّر, يُنبِّه

يُذَكِّر, يُنبِّه

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to a large extent or degree

على نطاق واسع, بشكل واسع

على نطاق واسع, بشكل واسع

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to call off

to cancel what has been planned

إلغاء, تعليق

إلغاء, تعليق

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to carry on

to choose to continue an ongoing activity

واصل, استمر

واصل, استمر

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to come back

to return to a previous state or condition, often after a period of decline or loss

يعود, يستعيد

يعود, يستعيد

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to come up with

to create something, usually an idea, a solution, or a plan, through one's own efforts or thinking

ابتكار, تطوير

ابتكار, تطوير

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to get over

to recover from an unpleasant or unhappy experience, particularly an illness

يتعافى من, يتجاوز

يتعافى من, يتجاوز

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to go on

to continue without stopping

يواصل, تابع

يواصل, تابع

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to go through

to experience or endure something, particularly a difficult or challenging situation

يخضع ل, يتعرض ل

يخضع ل, يتعرض ل

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to find out

to get information about something after actively trying to do so

اكتشاف, معرفة

اكتشاف, معرفة

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to put up with

to tolerate something or someone unpleasant, often without complaining

يتحمل, يتسامح مع

يتحمل, يتسامح مع

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to split up

to end a romantic relationship or marriage

انفصل, تباعد

انفصل, تباعد

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to turn into

to change and become something else

يتحول إلى, يصبح

يتحول إلى, يصبح

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to turn up

to arrive at a location or event, often unexpectedly and without prior notice

يظهر, يحضر

يظهر, يحضر

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to feel

to give one a certain impression or sensation

يُعطي انطباعًا, يشعر

يُعطي انطباعًا, يشعر

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to hear

to notice the sound a person or thing is making

يسمع, يستمع

يسمع, يستمع

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to hold

to have in your hands or arms

يمسك, يحمل

يمسك, يحمل

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to listen

to give our attention to the sound a person or thing is making

استمع, أصغى

استمع, أصغى

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to look

to be likely to occur or to appear to be the case

يبدو, يظهر

يبدو, يظهر

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to smell

to release a particular scent

يشمّ, يفوح

يشمّ, يفوح

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to sound

to convey or make a specific impression when read about or when heard

يبدو, يصوت

يبدو, يصوت

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to taste

to have a specific flavor

يتذوق, يتميز بطعم

يتذوق, يتميز بطعم

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to touch

to put our hand or body part on a thing or person

لمس, تلامس

لمس, تلامس

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to watch

to look at a thing or person and pay attention to it for some time

شاهد, راقب

شاهد, راقب

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