فنون الأداء - الأفعال المتعلقة بالفنون المسرحية
هنا سوف تتعلم بعض الأفعال الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالفنون المسرحية مثل "ترفيه"، "لاول مرة"، و "ارتجال".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
to create a sequence of dance steps, often set to music, for a performance or production

يضع رقصة, يؤلف الرقصة

to dance energetically, especially to rhythm and blues or rock and roll music

يرقص, يحب الرقص

to dance energetically to disco music characterized by a strong beat and synthesized sound

يرقص ديسكو, يؤدي رقصة ديسكو

to dance, specifically in the style of jive dance, characterized by lively and energetic movements

يرقص الجايف, يؤدي الجايف

to dance with lively and vibrant movements, often involving swaying or shaking of the hips or shoulders in a playful or flirtatious manner

ترقص برشاقة, تأرجح

to dance in a sexually provocative manner by rapidly moving and thrusting one's hips and buttocks back and forth

ترقص بطريقة مثيرة, ترقص تركات

to dance the waltz, a graceful ballroom dance characterized by smooth, gliding movements

يُرقص الفالس, رقص الفالس

to make one's time enjoyable by doing something that is interesting and does not make one bored

يمتع, يسلي

to improvise or perform spontaneously without prior preparation or rehearsal

يعزف ارتجالا, يؤدي بشكل مرتجل

to be the star performer in a concert or performance

يكون العنوان, يكون النجم الرئيسي

to give a performance of something such as a play or a piece of music for entertainment

يؤدي, يقدم

to do exercises or activities to get one's body, voice, or mind ready for something, like a workout or a performance

يسخن, يهيئ

to create and perform words of a play, music, etc. on impulse and without preparation, particularly because one is forced to do so
