بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
to the highest degree
تماما, بالكامل
near a particular place
حوالي ذلك, بالقرب من مكان معين
in an unfriendly and cold manner
ببرودة, بأسلوب غير ودي
from the beginning but in a new or fresh manner
من جديد, بشكل جديد
at a higher position
عاليا, في السماء
to a full or complete degree
تمامًا, كليًا
fast or with no difficulty
بسهولة, بسرعة
being something as a fact although not legally accepted
فعلي, دي فاكتو
to behave in a specific way
تصرف, سلك
to abandon a person or an organization when they are in need or at a critical moment
ترك, هجر
to avoid a thing or doing something on purpose
يتجنب, يبتعد عن
to strongly encourage someone to take action
حث, دفع
to relax lazily
التكاسل, الاسترخاء
to reduce or calm fears, doubts, or other negative emotions
يهدئ, يخفف
(of animals or birds) to lose hair, feathers, etc. temporarily before they grow back
تساقط الريش, يتساقط