المعرفة والحكمة - جهل
استكشف الأمثال الإنجليزية التي تصور الجهل بأقوال مثل "لا يوجد شيء أكثر جرأة من الفرس العمياء" و"الجهل نعمة".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
used to imply that when someone is ignorant of the dangers involved in a situation, they may act more boldly or recklessly than someone who is aware of the risks
لا شيء أكثر جرأة من الفرس العمياء
used to suggest that some people are so stubborn and resistant to new ideas or information that they refuse to listen or pay attention, even if it is in their best interest
لا يوجد أحد أصم مثل أولئك الذين لن يسمعوا
used to imply that people may choose to remain ignorant of certain things to protect themselves from potential emotional distress
ما لا تراه العين لا يحزن عليه القلب
used to suggest that when someone lacks knowledge or understanding about a certain subject, they tend to have a heightened admiration or reverence for it
الإعجاب هو ابنة الجهل
used to imply that someone with a narrow-minded perspective can never fully understand the vastness and diversity of the world beyond their limited environment or worldview
الضفدع في البئر لا يعرف شيئا عن البحر
used to imply that ignorance is a result of one's own choices or lack of effort to gain knowledge and understanding, and that it can lead to negative consequences
used to suggest that not knowing certain information can be preferable to facing it, particularly when it is unpleasant or burdensome
الجهل نعمة
used to imply that some people choose to ignore the truth and refuse to see what contradicts their beliefs
ليس هناك أعمى مثل أولئك الذين لن يبصروا
used to imply that people may be unable to see the flaws or potential dangers in something they strongly believe in, due to their emotional investment in it
الرجال أعمى في قضيتهم الخاصة
used to suggest that people often lack knowledge or understanding of the lives of others, especially when their lifestyles, experiences, and perspectives are very different
نصف العالم لا يعرف كيف يعيش النصف الآخر