
النتيجة والتأثير - Aftermath

استكشف الأمثال الإنجليزية التي تصور العواقب، بما في ذلك "الجريمة لا تنفع" و"إذا لعبت بالنار تحترق".




بطاقات الفلاش


اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Outcome & Impact
crime does not pay

used to emphasize that engaging in illegal or unethical behavior may provide temporary benefits or rewards, but the negative consequences will always outweigh the gains

curses, like chickens, come home to roost

used to suggest that the negative energy or harm one puts out into the world can return to them in some form

he that sings on Friday shall weep on Sunday

used as a cautionary reminder that indulging in temporary pleasures or carefree behaviors may lead to future consequences or regret

karma is a bitch

used to imply that bad actions or behavior will eventually have negative consequences for the person who performs them

reckless youth makes rueful age

used to highlight the idea that irresponsible or thoughtless behavior in youth can lead to regret and negative outcomes later in life

he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword

used to suggest that those who use violence or aggression to solve problems or achieve their objectives, are likely to experience similar responses from others, leading to their downfall

if you play with fire, you get burned

used to emphasize that if one engages in risky or dangerous behavior, one is likely to experience negative consequences

he that would go to sea for pleasure, would go to hell for a pastime

used to imply that indulging in dangerous or risky activities for mere pleasure can lead to severe consequences

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