to refurbish
to make a room or building look more attractive by repairing, redecorating, or cleaning it

تجديد, ترميم

to burnish
to rub a surface to make it smooth, shiny, or glossy, often using a tool or an abrasive material

تلميع, صقل

to tarnish
to make dull, dark, or discolored as a consequence of exposure to air, dust, or moisture

تغير لونه, تبدد

to brandish
to wave or swing something, usually a weapon, as a sign of threat or excitement

يهز, يؤرجح

to replenish
to fill a place or container with something, especially after it has been used or emptied

استعادة, إعادة ملء

to cloy
to cause someone lose interest through excessive use of something initially pleasing

يشبع, يُفقد الاهتمام

to ambush
to wait in a concealed location and launch a surprise attack on a target

كمين, انقض على


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