an individual who provides written or oral testimony under oath, typically in a legal context

المودع, الشاهد

exhibiting a shimmering, rainbow-like play of colors, typically due to refraction of light

قزحي, عابر الألوان

possessing wisdom, intelligence, or discernment, capable of rational thought and understanding

عاقل, حكيم

an element or part that creates a larger whole when with the other elements or parts

مكون, عنصر

shy or timid, especially in social situations, often accompanied by a reluctance to draw attention to oneself

خجول, متحفظ

occurring intermittently, with irregular starts and stops, often lacking continuity or consistency

متقطع, غير منتظم

expressing longing or yearning tinged with sadness or melancholy, often for something unattainable or lost

حزين, شجي