বই Solutions - উন্নত - ইউনিট 7 - 7H
এখানে আপনি সলিউশন অ্যাডভান্সড কোর্সবুকের ইউনিট 7 - 7H থেকে শব্দভান্ডার পাবেন, যেমন "সংঘর্ষ", "ডাইভারশন", "গ্রিডলক" ইত্যাদি।
the act of stopping a planned event from happening or an order for something from being completed

বাতিল, অভ্রান্তি

an accident that occurs when two or more objects, often in motion, come into violent contact with each other, resulting in damage or destruction

কলিশন, সংঘর্ষ

a state of being overcrowded or blocked, particularly in a street or road

সংক্রমণ, বাধা

the act of postponing or putting off something that was scheduled or expected to happen at a particular time

বিলম্ব, পশ্চাৎপদতা

a change in the normal route or path, often due to roadworks, accidents, or other disruptions

পথ পরিবর্তন, মোড়

related to the manufacturing or production of goods on a large scale

শিল্পভিত্তিক, শিল্প-সংক্রান্ত

the process of doing something, often requiring effort, with a specific purpose or goal in mind

কর্ম, কার্য

suitcases, bags, etc. to keep one's clothes and other belongings while traveling

বোহমান, ব্যাগ

a situation in which traffic is so heavily congested that movement is virtually impossible

ট্রাফিক জ্যাম, যানজট

an imperfection, defect, or flaw in an object or machine that prevents it from functioning properly or effectively

ত্রুটি, দोष

to be filled with more people or things than is comfortable, safe, or desirable

অতিরিক্ত জনসমাগম করা, ভর্তি করা

a collision or accident in which several vehicles or objects crash into each other in quick succession

মালবাহিত দুর্ঘটনা, কারাম্বোল

to cause a sudden loss of air or pressure in something, such as a tire or inflatable object

ত্যাগ করা, ছিদ্র করা

the state of being protected or having protection against any types of danger


a long line of vehicles or people waiting or moving slowly, typically due to traffic congestion or a blockage

যানজট, লাইন

instability and sudden changes in the movement of water or air

তরঙ্গনায়কতা, অস্থিতিশীলতা

to get on a means of transportation such as a train, bus, aircraft, ship, etc.

বোর্ড করা, জাহাজে ওঠা

to leave a location, particularly to go on a trip or journey

যাত্রা করা, ছেড়ে যাওয়া

to personally be involved in and understand a particular situation, event, etc.

অভিজ্ঞতা করা, অভিজ্ঞতা লাভ করা

to discover the exact position or place of something or someone

অবস্থান নির্ধারণ করা, খুঁজে পাওয়া

to get goods or services in exchange for money or other forms of payment

কেনা, অধিগ্রহণ করা

to need or demand something as necessary for a particular purpose or situation

প্রয়োজন, আপেক্ষা