a lightweight object used in badminton, hit back and forth over the net

শাটলকক, শাটলকক

a round object that is used in games and sports, such as soccer, basketball, bowling, etc.

গোলক, বল

a small, dimpled ball used in the sport of golf, designed to be hit with various clubs towards a hole on a course

গল্ফ বল, গল্ফের বল

a round ball used in the sport of basketball, typically made of leather or synthetic material

বাস্কেটবল বল, বাস্কেটবলটির

the ball used in handball, typically made of leather or synthetic material

হ্যান্ডবল বল, হ্যান্ডবল

a hard, leather-covered ball used in the sport of cricket

ক্রিকেট বল, ক্রিকেটের বল

a heavy ball used in the sport of bowling, typically weighing between 10 and 16 pounds, with a diameter of approximately 8.5 inches

বোলিং বল, বোলিংয়ের বল

a round ball used in volleyball, usually made of leather or synthetic material

ভলিবল বল, ভলিবলদের বল

a round object used in cue sports like pool, snooker, and carom billiards, often made of phenolic resin or other materials

বিলিয়ার্ড বল

an oval-shaped ball used in rugby, typically made of leather or synthetic material

রাগবি বল

a small, rubber ball used in the sport of squash, designed to be hit against the walls of the court with a squash racket

স্কোয়াশ বল, রাবারের স্কোয়াশ বল

a small rubber ball with a high bounce, specifically designed for use in the racquetball sport


a hard, durable ball used in the sport of polo, typically made of plastic or wood

পোলো বল, পোলোের বল

a round ball designed for players to kick and maneuver during the game of football

ফুটবল, গোলক

a hard, spherical object made of resin or wood used in a sport called bocce

বচি বল, বচি

a small, lightweight ball used in the sport of table tennis

টেবিল টেনিস বল, পিং পং বল

a brightly colored, gripped ball used in the fast-paced water sport

জলপূোল বল, জলপোলো বল

a light, plastic ball with holes, used in the indoor game

ফ্লোরবল বল, হালকা ফ্লোরবল বল

a rubber ball similar to a soccer ball, used in the mixed-gender sport

কর্ফবল বল, কর্ফবলের বল

a small, woven ball made of rattan or synthetic material

সেপাক টাকরাও বল, বাঁশের সেপাক টাকরাও বল

a small, bouncy ball used in a team sport similar to volleyball, but played with fists

ফিস্টবল, মুষ্টির বল

the hard, stitched ball used in hurling and similar Gaelic games

স্লিওটার, হার্লিং বল

a hard rubber ball, similar in size to a tennis ball, used in the winter sport of bandy

বান্দি বল, বান্দি বলের মতো