Kniha Solutions - Předstředně pokročilý - Jednotka 1 - 1E
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z lekce 1 - 1E v učebnici Solutions Pre-Intermediate, jako je „znepokojující“, „úlevné“, „uspokojující“ atd.
feeling extremely tired physically or mentally, often due to a lack of sleep

vyčerpaný, unavený

feeling unhappy and afraid because of something that has happened or might happen

znepokojený, obávaný

causing someone to feel anxious or concerned about something, often due to the possibility of an uncertain or negative outcome

znepokojující, starostlivý

feeling free from worry, stress, or anxiety after a challenging or difficult situation

ulevený, oddechnutý

feeling happy because we have what we wanted, or because something has happened the way we wanted

spokojený, spokojená

fulfilling a want or a requirement, and bringing a feeling of accomplishment or enjoyment

uspokojivý, přínosný

tired and unhappy because there is nothing to do or because we are no longer interested in something

znuděný, nezaúročený

making us feel tired and unsatisfied because of not being interesting

nudný, otravný

very surprised or upset because of something unexpected or unpleasant

šokovaný, překvapený

unexpected or extreme enough to cause intense surprise or disbelief

šokující, překvapivý

feeling uncertain or not confident about something because it is not clear or easy to understand

zmatený, mátový

feeling ashamed and uncomfortable because of something that happened or was said

znepokojený, trapný

needing to sleep or rest because of not having any more energy

unavený, vyčerpaný

(particularly of an acivity) causing a feeling of physical or mental fatigue or exhaustion

únavný, vyčerpávající

having a feeling of curiosity or attention toward a particular thing or person because one likes them

zainteresovaný, zaujatý