Βιβλίο Solutions - Προ-ενδιάμεσο - Μονάδα 1 - 1Ε
Εδώ θα βρείτε το λεξιλόγιο από την Ενότητα 1 - 1Ε στο βιβλίο μαθημάτων Solutions Pre-Intermediate, όπως «ανησυχώ», «ανακουφισμένος», «ικανοποιητικός» κ.λπ.
causing someone to feel anxious or concerned about something, often due to the possibility of an uncertain or negative outcome
feeling free from worry, stress, or anxiety after a challenging or difficult situation
feeling happy because we have what we wanted, or because something has happened the way we wanted
fulfilling a want or a requirement, and bringing a feeling of accomplishment or enjoyment
tired and unhappy because there is nothing to do or because we are no longer interested in something
feeling uncertain or not confident about something because it is not clear or easy to understand
feeling ashamed and uncomfortable because of something that happened or was said
(particularly of an acivity) causing a feeling of physical or mental fatigue or exhaustion
having a feeling of curiosity or attention toward a particular thing or person because one likes them