Kniha Four Corners 3 - Lekce 6 lekce C
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Lekce 6, lekce C v učebnici Four Corners 3, jako je „půjčit“, „pošta“, „krmit“ atd.
to discover information about something or someone by looking, asking, or investigating
zkontrolovat, ověřit
schoolwork that students have to do at home
domácí úkol, domácí práce
a small animal that has soft fur, a tail, and four legs and we often keep it as a pet
kočka, kocour
messages exchanged electronically on an email service
mail, elektronická pošta
a short written note of our education, skills, and job experiences that we send when trying to get a job
životopis, CV
to give someone something, like money, expecting them to give it back after a while
půjčit, zapůjčit
something that we use to buy and sell goods and services, can be in the form of coins or paper bills
peníze, hotovost
to let a person waiting by a road or street to get inside one's vehicle and give them a ride
vzít si, posbírat
to pour water on the ground to make plants grow in it
zalévat, zavlažovat
a living thing that grows in ground or water, usually has leaves, stems, flowers, etc.
rostlina, porost