Kniha Four Corners 3 - Lekce 7 Lekce A – Část 3
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Lekce 7 Lekce A – Část 3 v učebnici Four Corners 3, jako je „zralý“, „optimistický“, „tvrdohlavý“ atd.
catching and keeping our attention because of being unusual, exciting, etc.
zajímavý, poutavý
in a way that arouses one's curiosity or attention
zajímavě, neobyčejně
doing or happening after the time that is usual or expected
pozdní, zpožděný
used to express that a positive outcome or situation occurred by chance
naštěstí, štěstím
in a way that shows a person is a responsible and reasonable adult
zrale, dospěle
worried and anxious about something or slightly afraid of it
nervózní, úzkostlivý
in a way that shows signs of fear, worry, or anxiety
nervózně, úzkostlivě
having a hopeful and positive outlook on life, expecting good things to happen
in a manner that shows one is hopeful and optimistic about what is going to happen
optimisticky, s optimismem
able to remain calm, especially in challenging or difficult situations, without becoming annoyed or anxious
in a manner that displays one's tolerance of difficulties, delays, and bad behaviors without becoming annoyed or angry
trpělivě, s trpělivostí
able to be trusted to perform consistently well and meet expectations
spolehlivý, důvěryhodný
in a way that is consistent, accurate, or trustworthy
spolehlivě, verlässně
(of a person) quiet, thoughtful, and showing little emotion in one's manner or appearance
vážný, vážná
(of two or more things) having qualities in common that are not exactly the same
podobný, analogický
having unusual, unexpected, or confusing qualities
podivný, zvláštní
unwilling to change one's attitude or opinion despite good reasons to do so
tvrdohlavý, nepoddajný
in a manner that shows a person's resistance or unwillingness to reconsider what they think or want to do
tvrdohlavě, neochotně
causing a feeling of shock, disbelief, or wonder
překvapivý, ohromující
in a way that is unexpected and causes amazement
překvapivě, nečekaně
lacking fairness or justice in treatment or judgment
neférní, nespravedlivý
experiencing something bad due to bad luck
nešťastný, nepříznivý
used to express regret or say that something is disappointing or sad
bohužel, naštěstí ne
not able to be depended on or trusted to perform consistently or fulfill obligations
nespolehlivý, nepodařený
in a way that is not trustworthy enough to be believed or be dependent on
nspolehlivě, spolehlivě
deeply knowledgeable and experienced and capable of giving good advice or making good decisions
moudrý, rozumný
in a manner that reflects intelligence, good judgment, and experience
moudře, s rozumem