the process of examining the similarities and differences between two or more things or people

srovnání, porovnání

relating to or including the evaluation of similarities and differences between two or more things

srovnávací, porovnávací

having the characteristics of a saint or angel, such as kindness or innocence

andělský, nebeský

an angel that has a higher rank among others, like Gabriel in Christianity

archanděl, archanděl (náboženský termín)

a young, innocent, and naive character, often a young woman, in a story or play


showing simplicity, honesty, or innocence and willing to trust others due to a lack of life experience

naivní, upřímný

to prevent something or someone from moving forward or progressing smoothly

bránit, blokovat

the process of being allowed to enter a place or organization

přijetí, vstup

allowable, acceptable, or valid, especially in a court of law

přijatelný, akceptovatelný

deserving of sympathy or disappointment due to being in a poor and unsatisfactory condition

ubohý, žalostný

making one feel sorry for someone or something that seems unworthy of respect or consideration

žalostný, lítostivý

the ability or condition of having curves or curvy movements

sinuozita, křivost