Kniha Insight - Středně pokročilý - Jednotka 8 - 8D
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z lekce 8 - 8D v učebnici Insight Intermediate, jako je "bojkot", "konflikt", "diskriminace" atd.
the practice of treating a person or different categories of people less fairly than others
to refuse to buy, use, or participate in something as a way to show disapproval or to try to bring about a change
bojkotovat, odmítnout se zúčastnit
someone or something that is possible to cause danger, trouble, or harm
hrozba, nebezpečí
a display of support for or protest against something or someone by a march or public meeting
demonstrace, protest
a behavior or treatment that is unjust and unfair
nespravedlnost, křivda
experiencing the feeling of embarrassment, shame, or disrespect because of being mistreated or ridiculed
ponížený, ponížená
the act or condition of setting a person or object apart from a group
a serious disagreement or argument, often involving opposing interests or ideas
konflikt, neshoda
the act of rejecting or saying no to something that has been offered or requested
odmítnutí, zamítnutí
to show disagreement by taking action or expressing it verbally, particularly in public
protestovat, odporovat
an action that is done to relieve pain or cure a disease, wound, etc.
léčba, ošetření
a situation or treatment that is not just or impartial and that puts someone at a disadvantage
nespravedlnost, neférnost
to increase the size, amount, intensity, speed, etc. of something
zvýšit, posílit
to get rid of something that is no longer needed
vyhodit, zbavit se
to admit defeat and retreat from a position or claim when met with resistance or pressure
ustoupit, vzdát se
to resist or defend oneself against an attack or challenge, often by taking action to counter the aggression or difficulty
ubránit se, odporovat
to confront and deal with a difficult or unpleasant situation directly and courageously
čelit, postavit se
to join in an event, activity, etc.
účastnit se, zúčastnit se
to participate in or become involved in a particular activity, conversation, etc.
účastnit se, zapojit se do