Kniha Total English - Předstředně pokročilý - Lekce 7 – Lekce 1
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Lekce 7 - Lekce 1 v učebnici Total English Pre-Intermediate, jako je „tmavovlasý“, „svalnatý“, „výška“ atd.
having features or characteristics that are pleasing

atraktivní, přitažlivý

describing a person whose hair is dark in color

tmavovlasý, s tmavými vlasy

having a skin that is naturally darker in tone

temně pokožkový, s tmavou pletí

(of people or animals) weighing much more than what is thought to be healthy for their body

tlustý, obézní

weighing more than what is considered healthy or desirable for one's body size and build

nadváhový, s nadváhou

(of a person) having a height that is less than what is thought to be the average height

malý, nízký

(of a person) having a height that is greater than what is thought to be the average height

vysoký, vzdušný