Slovesa pro Správu Informací a Objektů - Slovesa pro záznam informací
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovesa odkazující na záznam informací, jako je „document“, „log“ a „file“.
to capture or record moving images, typically using a camera or video recording device

natáčet, zaznamenávat

to record something, typically using videotape, for later viewing or reference

nahrát, zaznamenat

to store information in a way that can be used in the future

zaznamenat, registrovat

to officially record something, typically with a governmental or legal authority

registrovat, zapsat

to officially submit or store a document or record in accordance with legal or regulatory requirements

podat, archivovat

to store or preserve documents or records for long-term keeping and future use

archivovat, uchovávat

to systematically organize and list items for easy reference or retrieval

indexovat, třídit

to record a series of historical events in a detailed way by a chronological order

kronikovat, zaznamenávat

to officially document all the information or events that have taken place, particularly on a plane or ship

zaznamenat, protokolovat