Das Buch Headway - Mittelstufe - Einheit 3
Hier finden Sie das Vokabular aus Einheit 3 im Headway Intermediate-Kursbuch, wie zum Beispiel „vitally“, „knit“, „ungempt“ usw.
the state of being steady or stable, where things are in proper proportion or harmony

Gleichgewicht, Balance

websites and applications enabling users to share content and build communities on their smartphones, computers, etc.

soziale Medien, Soziale Netzwerke

the act of moving on foot at a fast pace, often faster than walking, as a form of exercise or to travel a distance quickly

Lauf, Rennen

to use one's voice in order to produce musical sounds in the form of a tune or song

a group of singers who perform together, particularly in religious ceremonies or in public

to create clothing, fabric, etc., typically from wool or thread, using a machine or a pair of long and thin needles

stricken, stricken

to join two or more pieces of fabric or other materials together, often by using a needle and thread

nähen, verbinden

a place with special equipment that people go to exercise or play sports

Fitnessstudio, Sporthalle

the act of repairing, making, or doing things by oneself instead of paying a professional to do them
a system of physical exercises, including breath control and meditation, practiced to gain more control over your body and mind

a game that involves two or more players, hitting a rubber ball against the walls of a closed court by a racket

Squash, Squashspiel

any recreational or competitive activity that takes place on or in water such as swimming and rowing

Wassersport, Wasseraktivitäten

a sport that involves riders performing specific tasks like jumping over obstacles or showcasing their skills on horseback

Reiten, Pferdesport

the act or practice of concentrating on the mind and releasing negative energy or thoughts for religious reasons or for calming one's mind

Meditation, Praxis der Meditation

a sports shoe with a rubber sole that is worn casually or for doing exercise

Turnschuhe, Sportschuhe

the total amount of income a company, store, etc. makes from the sales of goods or services over a specific period of time

Verkäufe, Umsatz

a slender, solid, often sharp-pointed instrument used for withdrawing blood samples, injecting medicine, etc.


a thin strand of material, such as cotton, nylon, or silk, used for sewing or weaving

Faden, Garn

a portable, padded, and zippered bag used for sleeping, typically outdoors or while camping


a card that can be used to pay for items one buys in a particular store

Ladenkarte, Geschenkkarte

a loose and warm pair of pants and matching jacket worn casually or for doing exercise

Trainingsanzug, Sportanzug

the part of a bicycle that connects the front fork to the frame, allowing it to turn for steering

Steuersatz, Kopfstück

a thick plastic or rubber material used in particular sports for landing or lying on

Matte, Turnmatte

a shelter that usually consists of a long sheet of cloth, nylon, etc. supported by poles and ropes fixed to the ground, that we especially use for camping

an object with a handle, an oval frame and a tightly fixed net, used for hitting the ball in sports such as badminton, tennis, etc.

a tight-fitting piece of clothing made of rubber that is worn by underwater swimmers to remain warm

Neoprenanzug, Wetsuit

a group of wealthy, stylish individuals who travel frequently and luxuriously, often to exclusive destinations for leisure and social activities

die Jet-Set, die wohlhabenden Reisenden

a plastic card, usually given to us by a bank, that we use to pay for goods and services
