Gesellschaft, Recht und Politik - Ungerechtigkeit
Entdecken Sie englische Sprichwörter, die Ungerechtigkeit darstellen, darunter „Einige sind gleicher als andere“ und „Verzögerte Gerechtigkeit ist verweigerte Gerechtigkeit“.
used to emphasize the idea that life is not always fair, and that people may not always receive the recognition or reward that they deserve
used to emphasize the unevenness or randomness of fortune, where valuable opportunities or possessions may be bestowed upon those who are unable to fully enjoy or utilize them
Die Götter schicken denen, die keine Zähne haben, Nüsse
used to suggest that laws are often more effective at punishing small offenses and less influential individuals, while powerful or influential individuals may escape punishment
used to suggest that the legal system is often biased in favor of the wealthy and influential, allowing them to receive special treatment or avoid punishment
ein Gesetz für die Reichen und ein anderes Gesetz für die Armen
used to imply that in certain situations, equality is not applied consistently or fairly, and that certain individuals or groups may receive better treatment or privileges than others
used to imply that conflicts between powerful entities can have serious consequences for those who are caught in the middle or who are weaker and more vulnerable
Wenn Elefanten kämpfen, wird das Gras zertrampelt
used to imply that the best things in life are often obtained at the expense of others
Das gesündeste Fleisch geht auf Kosten eines anderen
used to stress the importance of timely delivery of justice, as any delay can render it ineffective and meaningless
Verzögerte Gerechtigkeit ist verweigerte Gerechtigkeit
used to imply that those who commit minor offenses are punished harshly, while those who commit more serious crimes or who have more power and influence often escape punishment
Kleine Diebe werden gehängt, aber die Großen entkommen