Adverbien der Art und Weise im Zusammenhang mit Menschen - Adverbien der Einheit und Autonomie
Diese Adverbien geben an, ob eine Handlung alleine oder gemeinsam mit anderen ausgeführt wird und umfassen Adverbien wie „einzeln“, „allein“, „gemeinsam“ usw.
used to express additional information or to say that something is true in a similar manner

auch, ebenso

in a manner that involves a community or group of people, sharing or participating in something together

gemeinschaftlich, kollektiv

in a manner that involves a significant number of people or things as a group

in großer Zahl, massiv

in a manner that involves two or more parties working together supportively

kooperativ, in Kooperation

in a way that involves correlative relations between two or more parties

gegenseitig, wechselseitig

in a manner that involves cooperation or joint effort among individuals or groups

gemeinschaftlich, kooperativ

in a way where both parties are involved or contribute equally

gegenseitig, wechselseitig

in a manner that involves mutual communication, engagement, or collaboration between different entities or individuals

interaktiv, auf interaktive Weise

in a way that everyone involved are in full agreement and there is no opposition

einstimmig, mit Einstimmigkeit

in a way that is impossible to separate from something else

untrennbar, untrennlich

in a manner that allows a person to act and decide independently and without help from others

autonom, eigenständig

in a manner that is only available to a particular person, group, or thing
