Allgemeines Training IELTS (Band 8 und Höher) - Geschmäcker und Gerüche
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter im Zusammenhang mit Geschmack und Geruch, die für die General Training IELTS-Prüfung erforderlich sind.
a taste that is not sour, bitter, salty, or sweet, found in some foods such as meat, etc.


having a strong, pungent smell, often likened to the scent of a skunk

stinkend, übelriechend

having a stale, moldy, or damp odor, often associated with a lack of freshness and proper ventilation

modrig, muffig

having a strong and distinctive scent, often associated with musk or similar natural fragrances

muskusartig, mit moschusartigem Duft

breaking down and rotting, typically referring to organic material

verfault, verrottet

(of food) having a spoiled or decomposed smell, typically due to the breakdown of fats or oils

ranzig, vergoren