Akademisches IELTS (Band 8 und Höher) - Weather
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter zum Thema Wetter, die für die akademische IELTS-Prüfung erforderlich sind.
a period in the summer during which wind blows and rain falls in India or other hot South Asian countries
snow, rain, hail, etc. that falls to or condenses on the ground
Niederschlag, Regen
the tiny water drops that form on cool surfaces during the night, caused by condensation
a piece of equipment that measures the temperature of the air
a device used to measure the speed and direction of the wind
(meteorology) a line on a map that joins places with the same air pressure at a given time or over a given period
a scale devised to estimate wind speeds based on the observed effects of the wind on the sea surface and land features
Beaufort-Skala, Skala nach Beaufort
a small amount of rain, snow, etc. that moves in a quick and stormy way and lasts only for a short period of time
ein leichter Schneefall, ein kurzer Schneeschauer
frozen raindrops or partially melted snowflakes that fall as ice pellets
Schneeregen, Eisregen
a meteorological phenomenon characterized by a dense, widespread snowfall that significantly reduces visibility, often resulting in a featureless landscape
weiße Sicht, schneebedeckter Himmel
a warm, dry wind that descends the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains, causing a rapid and significant increase in temperature
Chinook, warmer Chinookwind
partially melted snow or ice, often forming a wet and muddy mixture
Schnee-Matsch, Schnee-Matschgemisch
a sudden, intense, and brief storm characterized by strong winds and often accompanied by rain or snow
Squall, Sturm
a sudden and rapid flooding of a normally dry area, often caused by heavy rainfall or the sudden release of water
schnelle Flut, plötzliche Überschwemmung
a sudden, intense appearance of sunlight, often breaking through clouds and creating a radiant and vivid effect in the sky
Sonnenstrahl, Sonnenexplosion
a weather phenomenon with an extensive circulation of winds around a central region of high barometric pressure that is connected with calm and fine weather
a strong, noisy, and gusty wind, often accompanied by turbulent
Sturm, Heftiger Wind