a period in the summer during which wind blows and rain falls in India or other hot South Asian countries

季风, 季风季节

(meteorology) a line on a map that joins places with the same air pressure at a given time or over a given period


a scale devised to estimate wind speeds based on the observed effects of the wind on the sea surface and land features

波福特级, 波福特等级

a small amount of rain, snow, etc. that moves in a quick and stormy way and lasts only for a short period of time

一阵轻雪, 突然的雪花

a meteorological phenomenon characterized by a dense, widespread snowfall that significantly reduces visibility, often resulting in a featureless landscape

白色天候, 白雪围困

a warm, dry wind that descends the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains, causing a rapid and significant increase in temperature

奇努克风, 暖风奇努克

a sudden, intense, and brief storm characterized by strong winds and often accompanied by rain or snow

阵风, 暴风

a sudden and rapid flooding of a normally dry area, often caused by heavy rainfall or the sudden release of water

特大洪水, 闪电洪水

a sudden, intense appearance of sunlight, often breaking through clouds and creating a radiant and vivid effect in the sky

阳光爆发, 阳光辉映