Entscheidung, Vorschlag und Verpflichtung - Rat geben
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter im Zusammenhang mit der Beratung, wie zum Beispiel „counsel“, „assessor“ und „advisory“.
to adjust one's actions or behavior based on specific information, ideas, or advice

handeln nach, auf... reagieren

a suggestion or an opinion that is given with regard to making the best decision in a specific situation

a section or part in a newspaper in which people are given advice regarding their personal problems

Ratgeberkolumne, Beratungsspalte

a newspaper, website, or magazine columnist that replies to e-mails and letters sent by readers and gives them advice

Ratgeberschreiber, Berater

the act of considering something, such as an idea, request, suggestion, etc. thoroughly

Berücksichtigung, Überlegung

an assurance or support from the manufacturer or seller that offers costumers that bought a product services if the need arises

After-Sales-Service, Kundendienst

someone that is considered an expert and assists a judge in a court of law on matters in which knowledge on a particular subject is required

Sachverständiger, Gutachter

a phone service set up by a company or organization to provide its clients with information about the service they received or a product they purchased

Kundenservice-Hotline, Beratungshotline

to speak positively about someone or something and suggest their suitability

to seek information or advice from someone, especially before making a decision or doing something

the practice of giving professional advice within a particular field

Beratung, Consulting

a process of providing guidance, support, and advice to someone facing personal, emotional, or psychological challenges

Beratung, Psychotherapie

an admission of failure that ultimately leads to discouragement and self-doubt