Medizinische Wissenschaft - Gesundheitseinrichtungen
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter im Zusammenhang mit Gesundheitseinrichtungen, wie zum Beispiel „Apotheke“, „Hospiz“ und „Tagesraum“.
a part of a hospital that provides round-the-clock care for patients with severe medical conditions

Intensivstation, Intensivpflegeeinheit

a part of a hospital or a healthcare facility that provides care for patients who do not require an overnight stay

Klinik, Gesundheitszentrum

a small hospital that is accessible to the local community

Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus, Lokalkrankenhaus

to allow a patient to leave the hospital because they have recovered and no longer need to receive inpatient care

a room in a hospital or clinic equipped to provide emergency care to people in need of immediate medical treatment

Notaufnahme, Notfallaufnahme

a healthcare facility for people who are terminally ill, where their emotional and practical needs are met

Hospiz, palliative Einrichtung

a facility that provides residential care and support for individuals who need assistance with daily activities

Pflegeheim, Altenheim

a temporary medical facility used in emergencies or during conflicts to provide urgent healthcare services

Feldlazarett, vorübergehendes Krankenhaus

a transitional living facility where individuals who are recovering from addiction, mental illness, or other challenging situations can reside temporarily as they transition back into the community

Übergangsunterkunft, Halbzeitheim

a facility that cares for individuals with mental health disorders or disabilities

eine Einrichtung, eine Institution

a medical facility focused on diagnosing and treating severe mental health disorders

psychiatrisches Krankenhaus, psychiatrische Einrichtung

a medical facility that provides clinical education and training to healthcare professionals while also offering patient care services

Lehrkrankenhaus, Universitätsklinik

a communal space in a residential or healthcare facility for relaxation and socialization during the day

Tageszimmer, Tagesraum

a hospital unit that provides extra care and attention to patients who are not critically ill but still need more support than a regular hospital ward can provide

Hochdependenzeinheit, Einheit mit hoher Abhängigkeit

the department tasked with cleaning rooms, etc. in a hotel, hospital, etc.

Hauswirtschaft, Reinigungsdienst

a sterile space in a hospital where surgeries are performed using specialized equipment

Operationssaal, Chirurgiezimmer

a specialized room in a mental health or correctional facility that is lined with padded walls and flooring to prevent self-harm or injury to the occupant

Polsterzelle, gepolsterter Raum

a designated space for unwell individuals to rest and receive care

Krankenraum, Krankenlager

a doctor's office or clinic where patients can receive medical treatment or advice

Praxis, Chirurgie

a treatment unit in a hospital that provides continuous monitoring and intensive care for the critically ill or injured

Intensivstation, Überwachungsstation

the room in the hospital where a woman in labor stays before going to the delivery room

Wehenzimmer, Kreißsaal

a designated facility where pregnant individuals give birth, typically located in a hospital or birth center, with the support of medical professionals and equipment

Entbindungszimmer, Geburtszimmer

a facility within an institution, such as a school or hospital, where medical treatment and care are provided to patients who are ill or injured

Sanitätsraum, Krankenstation

a hospital department that provides care for pregnant women and newborn infants

Entbindungsstation, Geburtshilfe

a building or a room, often in a hospital, where dead bodies are temporarily kept before burial or cremation

Leichenschauhaus, Totenkammer

a specialized area where patients are monitored and cared for after surgery until they regain consciousness and stability

Aufwachraum, Erholungsraum

an establishment or facility that treats people who have a chronic illness

Sanatorium, Heilanstalt

a hospital area or clinic specifically designed to treat individuals who are undergoing detoxification from drugs, alcohol, or other substances

Entgiftung, Entgiftungsstation

a hospital unit specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose, and throat disorders

HNO-Abteilung, Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Abteilung

a department, especially in a hospital, that provides a particular type of care or treatment

Einheit, Abteilung

a large building where sick or injured people receive medical treatment and care

a part of a hospital that provides specialized care for patients with heart conditions

kardiologische Intensivstation, Herzversorgungseinheit