
Αρετή & Κακία - Ψέματα

Ανακαλύψτε πώς αγγλικές παροιμίες όπως "η μισή αλήθεια είναι συχνά ολόκληρο ψέμα" και "οι ψεύτες χρειάζονται καλές αναμνήσεις" απεικονίζουν ψέματα στα αγγλικά.







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Virtue & Vice
it needs a hundred lies to cover a single lie

used to suggest that lies are not only unethical but can also be difficult to keep track of, as they often require further lies to maintain the illusion of truth

a lie has no legs

used to imply that lies have no foundation or support to stand on, and will eventually be exposed or disproved

το ψέμα δεν έχει πόδια

το ψέμα δεν έχει πόδια

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ask no questions and hear no lies

used to suggest that sometimes it's better to remain ignorant in order to avoid falsehoods or unpleasant truths

μην κάνετε ερωτήσεις και|, μην ακούτε ψέματα

μην κάνετε ερωτήσεις και|, μην ακούτε ψέματα

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half the truth is often a whole lie

used to emphasize that intentionally withholding important or relevant information can be just as deceptive and harmful as telling an outright lie

Η μισή αλήθεια είναι συχνά ένα ολόκληρο ψέμα

Η μισή αλήθεια είναι συχνά ένα ολόκληρο ψέμα

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liars need good memories

used to imply that lying can be difficult to sustain over time, as those who lie must have a good memory to keep track of their falsehoods and maintain consistency in their story

οι ψεύτες χρειάζονται καλές αναμνήσεις

οι ψεύτες χρειάζονται καλές αναμνήσεις

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one lie makes many

used to imply that telling a lie can lead to a chain of lies and deceit, as it often requires additional lies or cover-ups to maintain the initial falsehood

ένα ψέμα κάνει πολλούς

ένα ψέμα κάνει πολλούς

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a lie can travel (halfway) around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes

used to warn that false information can cause harm or damage even if they are later proven to be untrue, emphasizing the need to be cautious about believing or spreading unverified information

ένα ψέμα μπορεί να ταξιδέψει στα μισά του κόσμου ενώ η αλήθεια φοράει τα παπούτσια της

ένα ψέμα μπορεί να ταξιδέψει στα μισά του κόσμου ενώ η αλήθεια φοράει τα παπούτσια της

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Λήψη εφαρμογής LanGeek