Lista de Palabras Nivel A2 - Familia y Amigos
Aquí aprenderás algunas palabras en inglés sobre miembros de la familia y relaciones, como "grandma", "granddaughter", "marry", etc. preparadas para estudiantes de A2.
Tarjetas de memoria
an informal or intimate name for fathers, used especially by children or when talking to children

an informal or intimate name for mothers, used especially by children or when talking to children

a number of things or people that have some sort of connection or are at a place together

someone who is invited to visit someone else's home or attend a social event

the person that you are married to or having a romantic relationship with

compañero romantico
to go out with someone that you are having a romantic relationship with or may soon start to have one

salir con, citarse con

to consider something or someone important and to have a feeling of worry or concern toward them

preocuparse por