Resultado e Impacto - Influencia negativa
Descubra cómo proverbios ingleses como "la mala compañía corrompe las buenas costumbres" y "el que toca la brea será contaminado" representan influencias negativas en inglés.
Tarjetas de memoria
used to emphasize that if a person associates with people of questionable character or behavior, they are likely to adopt those negative qualities themselves
used to imply that the written word can be more influential and powerful than physical force or violence
una pluma de ganso es más peligrosa que la garra de un león
used to emphasize that bad company or associations can negatively influence a person's behavior and character
Las malas comunicaciones en la mayoría de los casos tienden a corromper los buenos modales.
used to warn that if someone engages in something that is considered wrong or immoral, they are likely to be negatively impacted by it, resulting in a loss of reputation or moral standing
used to imply that a person with bad character or behavior can negatively influence and harm the ones around them
la manzana podrida hiere a sus vecinos
used to imply that a single bad or negative element within a group can have a harmful or corrupting influence on the entire group, leading to a decline in overall quality or integrity
manzana podrida estropea todo el barril
used to imply that associating with people who have bad habits or engage in immoral behavior can negatively impact one's own values and behavior
Las malas compañías corrompen las buenas costumbres.