
Virtud & Vicio - Inmoralidad y abuso

Explore los proverbios ingleses que describen la inmoralidad y el abuso con dichos como "todos ponen sus cargas en un caballo dispuesto" y "el honor y el beneficio no están en un solo saco".




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Virtue & Vice
honor and profit lie not in one sack

used to suggest that it is difficult to achieve both financial success and maintain a high level of moral or ethical standards at the same time

make yourself all honey and the flies will devour you

used to suggest that some people might take advantage of those who are very kind, gentle, or always willing to please others

hazte toda miel y las moscas te devorarán

hazte toda miel y las moscas te devorarán

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if your friend is honey, do not lick him thoroughly

used to warn against taking advantage of a friend's kindness or generosity to the point of overindulgence or exploitation

si tu amigo es cariño no lo lamas a fondo

si tu amigo es cariño no lo lamas a fondo

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he that will steal an egg will steal an ox

used to imply that a person who is willing to commit a small act of dishonesty or theft is likely to commit more significant acts

corporations have neither bodies to be punished, nor souls to be damned

used to imply that corporations may be able to engage in unethical or immoral behavior without facing the same consequences as individuals who engage in similar behavior

it (sure) is easy to find a stick to beat a dog

used to suggest that it is easy to find fault or criticize someone, especially someone vulnerable, even if they have done nothing wrong or the fault is minor

all lay loads on a willing horse

used to suggest that people tend to take advantage of those who are generous and willing to help, often without considering their own responsibilities or limitations

todos ponen cargas sobre un caballo dispuesto

todos ponen cargas sobre un caballo dispuesto

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lying a little and stealing a little will get you nicely through the world

used to suggest that dishonesty and theft can be useful strategies for achieving success

mentir un poco y robar un poco te llevarán bien por el mundo

mentir un poco y robar un poco te llevarán bien por el mundo

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