미덕과 악덕 - 부도덕 및 학대
"모든 것은 의지가 있는 말에 달려 있다", "명예와 이익은 한 자루에 있지 않다"와 같은 속담을 통해 부도덕과 학대를 묘사하는 영어 속담을 살펴보세요.
used to suggest that it is difficult to achieve both financial success and maintain a high level of moral or ethical standards at the same time
used to suggest that some people might take advantage of those who are very kind, gentle, or always willing to please others
너 자신을 꿀로 만들어라. 그러면 파리들이 너를 잡아먹을 것이다.
used to warn against taking advantage of a friend's kindness or generosity to the point of overindulgence or exploitation
친구가 꿀이라면 철저하게 핥지 마세요
used to imply that a person who is willing to commit a small act of dishonesty or theft is likely to commit more significant acts
used to imply that corporations may be able to engage in unethical or immoral behavior without facing the same consequences as individuals who engage in similar behavior
used to suggest that it is easy to find fault or criticize someone, especially someone vulnerable, even if they have done nothing wrong or the fault is minor
used to suggest that people tend to take advantage of those who are generous and willing to help, often without considering their own responsibilities or limitations
모두가 기꺼이 말에 짐을 싣는다
used to suggest that dishonesty and theft can be useful strategies for achieving success
조금 거짓말을 하고 조금 도둑질을 하면 세상을 잘 헤쳐나갈 수 있을 것이다