Adverbios de Modo Relacionados con Cosas - Adverbios de nivel de claridad
Estos adverbios muestran cuán directo o ambiguo es algo e incluyen adverbios como "explícitamente", "directamente", "tácitamente", etc.
Tarjetas de memoria
in a way that is very clear and leaves no room for confusion or doubt

de manera inequívoca, sin lugar a dudas

in a direct and explicit manner, often expressing something clearly and with emphasis

de manera directa, de forma explícita

in a clear, honest, and uncomplicated manner

de manera directa, francamente

in a clear and explicit manner, leaving no room for misunderstanding or confusion

expresamente, claramente

used when expressing an honest opinion, even though that might upset someone

without holding back, concealing thoughts, or showing any reservation

sin reservas, sin restricciones

in a way that is unclear, open to multiple interpretations, or lacking definite meaning

ambiguamente, de manera ambigua

in a way that is understood or suggested without being directly stated

in a manner that is not direct or straightforward

oblicuamente, de manera indirecta