Adverbes de Manière Liés aux Choses - Adverbes de niveau de clarté
Ces adverbes montrent à quel point quelque chose est direct ou ambigu et incluent des adverbes comme « explicitement », « directement », « tacitement », etc.
in a way that is very clear and leaves no room for confusion or doubt
de manière non ambiguë, sans ambiguïté
in a direct and explicit manner, often expressing something clearly and with emphasis
de manière explicite, de façon directe
in a clear, honest, and uncomplicated manner
de manière directe, franchement
in a clear and explicit manner, leaving no room for misunderstanding or confusion
expressement, clairement
used when expressing an honest opinion, even though that might upset someone
without holding back, concealing thoughts, or showing any reservation
sans réserve, sans retenue
in a way that is unclear, open to multiple interpretations, or lacking definite meaning
ambigüment, de manière ambiguë
in a way that is understood or suggested without being directly stated
in a manner that is not direct or straightforward
obliquement, de manière indirecte
in a manner that indirectly expresses or implies something
de manière significative, de façon importante