کتاب 'هدوی' مقدماتی - واحد 9
در اینجا واژگان واحد 9 را در کتاب دوره ابتدایی Headway پیدا خواهید کرد، مانند "مجسمه"، "تالار شهر"، "صندوق پستی" و غیره.
املای کلمه
an area with human population that is smaller than a city and larger than a village

شهر (کوچک)
a public path for vehicles in a village, town, or city, usually with buildings, houses, etc. on its sides

a very large, often roofless, structure where sports events, etc. are held for an audience

ورزشگاه, استادیوم
a financial institution that keeps and lends money and provides other financial services

a place where important cultural, artistic, historical, or scientific objects are kept and shown to the public

a large object created to look like a person or animal from hard materials such as stone, metal, or wood

مجسمه, تندیس
a large commercial building or complex divided into separate offices and leased to businesses or individuals

ساختمان اداری
a large and strong building that is protected against attacks, in which the royal family lives

قلعه, دژ
the largest and most important church of a specific area, which is controlled by a bishop

کلیسای جامع
a piece of land in the country, especially one where crops are grown or animals are kept, typically surrounded by a fence, etc.

the hard material that the trunk and branches of a tree or shrub are made of, used for fuel or timber

a structure built over a river, road, etc. that enables people or vehicles to go from one side to the other

a natural and continuous stream of water flowing on the land to the sea, a lake, or another river

a naturally raised area of land that is higher than the land around it, often with a round shape

a public box where people can drop letters and parcels to be collected and delivered by the postal service

صندوق پست