صفات ارزیابی و مقایسه - صفت تشابه
این صفت ها تشابه، شباهت یا مطابقت بین دو یا چند چیز مانند "مشابه"، "یکسان"، "مقایسه"، "مشابه" و غیره را توصیف می کنند.
املای کلمه
(of two or more things) having qualities in common that are not exactly the same

مشابه, شبیه
having the same meaning, quality, value, etc. as a different person or thing

معادل, برابر
able to be compared with another thing due to sharing a similar feature, nature, etc.

impossible to differentiate or recognize as different

غیرقابلتشخیص, تمیزناپذیر
sharing similar opinions, beliefs, interests, or attitudes on a particular subject or issue

(of two or more things or people) having qualities, characteristics, appearances, etc. that are very similar but not identical

شبیه, مشابه
having a consistent or balanced relationship in size, amount, or degree relative to something else

تناسبی, منطبق