آموزش عمومی آیلتس (باند 8 و بالاتر) - Family
در اینجا با چند کلمه انگلیسی مرتبط با Family که برای آزمون General Training آیلتس ضروری است آشنا می شوید.
املای کلمه
the passing down of traits from one generation to another within a family

صفات یک نسل به نسل دیگر متنقل شدن
blended family
a family in which the parents live with the children from their own relationship along with the children from previous ones

خانواده آمیخته, خانواده تلفیقی
broken home
a family in which one parent is not present because of divorce or seperation

خانواده طلاقگرفته
the recorded ancestry or lineage of individuals, typically in the context of their descendants tracing back to a common ancestor

دودمان, ریشه، تبار، نژاد
surrogate mother
a woman who agrees to carry and take the responsibility of another couple's child


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